Dictation : How to avoid Spelling Mistakes


Proofread the passage. Mind the italicized words:

People enter the United States from hundreds of different plaices every year; it’s person with his or her own ideas and expectations of what the experience we’ll be like. Some come to spent a few weeks, sum come to study four for two six years end then go back home, and some come with the intention of staying and making this there home. Know matter what the reason, it is an exciting experience.
Research had found that many people react to a knew place and culture in match the same way. Generally speaking, newcomers are excited about the new place and are vary interested in everything.

Now do the same with the following passages. Replace the wrongly spelt words with the correct ones.

But the first think my tutor deed with me was too work at foreign languages, especially French, in witch I, like most of the boys, was very week; end in three months I could reed eat fluently and understand any French book. Words and grammar and conversations I learn in the ordinary course at school; bat at home I learn nothing buy heart: my tutor took a book and maid me read and translate allowed. At first I was completely puzzled, and this method seamed two me absurd and wearisome; but my teacher stack to it, and I was soon delighted by it’s success. I made a separate least off words I did not know; then I wrote out a literal translation of the French, a rough copy and then a fare copy. I had the active memory of youth, and I was always able to repeat next morning, without having learnt them the friends original, my Russian translation, and the separate list of words. (19 mistakes)

Polak and I had often vary heated discussions about the desirability or otherwise off giving the children an English education. It has always bean my conviction that Indian parents who train their children to thing and talk in English from there infancy betray they’re children and they’re country. They deprive them of the spiritual and social heritage of the nation, and render them to that extend unfit four the service of the country. Having this convictions, I made a point of always talking to my children in Gujerati. Polak never liked this. He thought I was spoiling they’re future. He contended, with all the vigour and love at he’s command, that if children where to learn a universal language like English from they’re infancy, they wood easily gain considerable advantage over other’s in the rays of life. He failed to convince me. I do not now remember weather I convinced him of the correctness of my attitude, or weather he gave me up us to obstinate. (21 mistakes)

Some individuals have very little rage in their voices when giving a speech. There voices sound flat and uninteresting. Strive for vocal variety, knot a monotone voice. You can avoid attention-killing monotony bye raising and lowering the peach of you’re voice. The singing voice has a range of peach from soprano to bass. Similarly, you can very you’re speaking voice by moving up and down the vocal rage from high sounds and buck.
Monotony can also bee avoided buy varying the loudness or softness of your voice. A raised voice signals intense, passionate fillings. It will punctuate portions of you’re presentation match us an exclamation point punctuates a written sentence. Using vocal volume to gain attention, however, can be overdone. As Mark Twain noted, “Noise proofs nothing. Often a hen witch has merely led an egg cackles us if eat led an asteroid.” (22 mistakes)

Unlike a conventional diet, which stresses guilt and abstention, particularly with regard two fats and protein, the Atkins diet encourages fisting on such delights us eggs, bacon, stake, and cream while avoiding carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes end pasta. Coupled with celebrity endorsements from the likes of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Jennifer Aniston, the promise of munching threw saw many ones forbidden thinks to loose wait fast has maid the diet enormously successful- especially in America, were nearly too-thirds off the population are overwait. When the Atkins diet begun to take of rapidly in America sum year’s ago it moved markets.  (20 mistakes)

For all the complains about modern farming, agriculture is one of the great success stories off the post-war period: the world produces twice as much grain as it did in 1960, on only a third more land- enough too provide 2,700 calories a day four every person on the planet. Yet, more than 800m people are steal chronically malnourished , most of them in the developing world. As “Ending Hunger in Our Lifetime”  argues to say that hunger is strictly a distribution problem is like saying that if the rein fell evenly over the earth there wood bee know droughts; the origins of, and solutions too, this mismatch between food and hungry mouths are rather more complex.
Many of the hungry people in pour plaices are farmers themselves. They’re failure to grow- and earn- enough stems from a variety of reasons, from a luck off access too modern farming tools two environmental constraints to pour roads witch prevent them from reaching markets.  (19 mistakes)